Wednesday, October 29, 2008


So it's not hard to quit buying in excess and supporting the American affluent lifestyle. I have found that vowing not to eat fast food daily and refusing to shop at Target are easy starts. I recently read an article where the writer asked rappers to quit wearing bling and start conserving like the rest of the American public. My family has put a hold on renovations, I have decided not to repair my car. But what has the government asked of us? Nothing. Do they ask us to take the bus? No. Do they want us to buy organic so we don't have growth hormones from the cheap meat in the McDonalds we eat? No. When 9-11 happened they asked us to go shopping. 
It's what we do best!

Well I voted for Obama the other day. 
I hope he asks more of Americans than our past presidents have.  I know I'm willing to do more. 
But then again I'm a born Austinite. I've recycled since elementary school. I'm taking Environmental Science. I believe in sustainability. 

But that's just me.  How will you change the world?

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